Facebook Privacy Concerns for 2014 : How Facebook Knows When You Fall In Love

Here is a more visual explanation for you that may help

Google privacy infograhic: your privacy on the internet.

Online privacy is a scary subject for most people but I think facebook has really gone to far this time. The last thing I want is facebook delving into my love life or even my sexual encounters… but look at this crap…

Facebook data scientist Carlos Diuk breaks down what happens in the days leading up to (and immediately following) two Facebook users beginning a relationship.

Here’s what Facebook sees when you fall in love.


Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-knows-when-youre-going-to-fall-in-love-2014-2#ixzz2taxVHwXe

Here is what one of the World’s leading experts on online privacy warns… this is serious stuff

Listen to the discussions and debate that is being fired off…

This is the best guide I’ve found to protect yourself and your rights so far.. I found a free copy for you so please read through it… It’s very helpful

The (Very) Unofficial Facebook Privacy Manual by MakeUseOf.com

IN CONCLUSION: let the poster beware… There is no more privacy. Everything you do is seen by somebody. Being social online can be very dangerous but we all need friends and we need to communicate.

Please comment below to tell us how you plan to deal with this challenge and how you will protect your rights.